Walking and boating to Hamble for lunch

Forget the huge luxury yachts, my favourite boats on the Hamble are the adorable wee pink passenger ferries that bob along the busy waters. On a sunny day, we love taking a lazy family amble along the easygoing footpath which winds its way along the south bank of the river, stopping often to point at boats and wildlife along the way. Finally, we’ll pick up one of the little pink ferries on the Warsash side, and cross over to Hamble. It’s only a short boat ride but always a real delight to get out on the water with our little boy.
Once in Hamble, we make a beeline for lunch at The Bugle where the homey rustic décor compliments the hearty homage to local produce. If the sun prevails then the terrace is the perfect spot to watch the yachts and their folk to-ing and fro-ing. If there’s a whole crew of you, be sure to enquire about “The Captain’s Table” a resplendent private dining room upstairs.
Photo courtesy of neilalderney123 on Flickr